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Not sure where to begin? Fill out the contact form above for general inquiries.

Ready to start on your housing journey? Complete our intake form to get started.

If speaking on the phone works better for you, give us a call at 410-366-8550.

Hours of Operation

St. Ambrose is open Monday through Friday from 9 am until 5 pm.


St. Ambrose Housing Aid Center is located near the southeast corner of Charles Village. Our reception area is housed at 321 E. 25th Street between North Calvert Street and Greenmount Avenue. Parking is available on the street or in the small parking lot behind 317 and 319 E. 25th. St. Ambrose is accessible by the following bus routes: 3, 8, 11, 46, 48, 61 and the Charm City Circulator Purple Route.